Stargirl Namedrops DCs Worst Hero: Who is The Red Bee?

August 2024 · 4 minute read

The most recent scene of Stargirl makes reference to a dark vigilante called The Red Bee, who was crazy even by the measures of Golden Age funnies.

DC Universe’s Stargirl season 1, scene 5, “Hourman and Dr. Mid-Nite” made a passing reference to the Red Bee; a saint who likely could be the single most noticeably awful vigilante in DC Comics’ history. This mark may be applied not just due to the crazy reason behind the character but since of how seriously explored and executed that reason was in the first Golden Age funnies.

It’s not astounding that a character as dark as the Red Bee may be name-dropped in Stargirl. The arrangement is the purposeful venture of author Geoff Johns, who made the character of Courtney Whitmore and is notable for using dark legends from the Golden Age in his composition. This is an attribute shared by James Dale Robinson, another comic book author and maker on the Stargirl arrangement, who classified a significant part of the folklore that prompted Stargirl’s creation in the 1994 Starman arrangement.

Notice was made of the Red Bee in the Stargirl scene “Hourman and Dr. Midnite,” as Courtney Whitmore, oneself delegated Stargirl, proceeded with her endeavors to remake the Justice Society of America by enlisting her cohorts to take up the mantles of different fallen legends. Regardless of her earnest attempts to stay unpretentious, Courtney got the consideration of her schoolmate Beth Chapel, who incidentally came into ownership of the shrewd goggles once used by Dr. Mid-Nite, which pulled up arbitrary data on everything Beth took a gander at when she wore the goggles and conveyed it to her by means of a man-made brainpower. Beth disclosed to Courtney that she made sense of who she was in the wake of seeing her and the new Wildcat in real life and catching Courtney call Wildcat by her first name, Yolanda. This provoked the computerized reasoning to take note of this was a great freshman superhuman slip-up and one which got a hero called the Red Bee murdered in 1959.

First showing up in Hit Comics #1 in July 1940, The Red Bee was a legal advisor and devoted apiarist named Richard “Rick” Raleigh. Filling in as the associate head prosecutor of Superior City, Orgeon, Rick gave up that his town was under attack by sorted out wrongdoing and that his manager was apparently weak to assemble the proof expected to take care of the degenerate legislators that ran the city through appropriate lawful channels. Choosing to step in where the law fizzled, Raleigh wore an outfit and set out to spare his city utilizing his other incredible ability; beekeeping! As the Red Bee, Rick used a uniquely prepared bumble bee named Michael, who lived in his belt clasp and was prepared to sting on order.

The Red Bee is generally recalled today for instance of how senseless a portion of the principal wave of superheroes were, but at the same time is outstanding for how his makers obviously didn’t do any examination into how honey bees and beekeeping work. Bumble bees, for example, can just sting once before passing on. All the more significantly, just female honey bees have stingers and Rick’s prize accomplice Michael was apparently a male honey bee. Later stories would retcon this by transforming Michael into a freak bumble bee who had built up the capacity to sting ordinarily without biting the dust. Tragically, this never really improve Rick Raleigh’s viability as a wrongdoing contender, given that he was still only a man attempting to battle mobsters with a prepared honey bee.

In spite of being viewed as one of the most pointless superheroes in the DC Universe, Rick Raleigh still passed on a legend’s demise. He yielded himself to spare his kindred All-Star Squadron individuals from the Nazi supervillain Baron Blitzkrieg, procuring an after death acceptance into the Freedom Fighters. He likewise motivated a heritage, with his fantastic niece Jenna Raleigh quickly taking up his name to battle wrongdoing utilizing a defensively covered outfit with mechanical honey bee drones. In spite of this, it appears to be exceptionally impossible that we’ll see another Red Bee among the positions of Stargirl’s up and coming age of legends.
