Jennifer Lopez told what is the secret of her daily rejuvenation

August 2024 · 2 minute read

The secret to Jennifer Lopez‘s mental and physical well-being is simple but sometimes elusive: she insists on the importance of getting seven to nine hours of sleep every night and shares her affirmative morning routine with her followers. In case you didn’t know, the singer has a mailing list for subscribers where she shares the details of her personal life (yes, that’s where she announced her engagement to Ben Affleck. Jay Lo just devoted one of the last topics to the value of sleep because the 52-year-old star realized this unspoken rule from her own experience at the age of 20.

At that terrible moment, security guard Lopez took her to the doctor, and she felt just terrible. Because stress and anxiety can cause insomnia, this can quickly turn into a vicious cycle. “The later we go to bed, given that we need to get up at a certain time, the greater the stress, which over time can have very serious consequences for our body,” said Chris Winter, MD, medical director of the Center Martha Jefferson Sleep Medicine in Charlottesville, Virginia.
At the time, Lopez’s doctor advised her to sleep seven to nine hours every night, avoid caffeine, and focus on exercise to help balance the load. “I realized how serious the consequences can be when you ignore what the body and mind need to be healthy. That was the start of my journey towards myself,” she added. And as it turned out, sleep became the key not only to good health but also to her radiant appearance.


“I think of sleep like a little time machine. You lie down and get into a space where you keep yourself, and then you come out of there a new, younger person than you were before. Sometimes I wake up and say, “Wow! I just took ten years off my face!”. Here’s What Good Sleep Can Do For You, And It Accumulates Over Time”, admitted Jay Lo.
