Brandon Gilles Obituary: Remembering His Life & Legacy

June 2024 · 3 minute read

Brandon Gilles obituary serves as a reminder of the importance of staying positive in the face of adversity and fighting relentlessly for one’s own well-being.

The world lost a brilliant mind and a loving father when Brandon Gilles passed away after his long battle with Long-COVID. 

Brandon was a dedicated electrical engineer who worked tirelessly to try and save his own life. 

Despite his illness, he remained positive, spreading joy to his loved ones until the very end.

Brandon Gilles may be gone, but his legacy lives on. He was a loving father, a dedicated engineer, and a caring friend. 

He inspired countless people with his optimism, perseverance, and resilience.

His wife, Briana said that when he passed away, he was joyful after many months of hard work to improve his condition. 

He remembered indeed who he was, not just a sick person, but an active and fully-engaged human being.

Brandon will be missed by everyone who knew him. 

Early Life and Career

Brandon Gilles was born and raised in Boulder, CO. He was a curious and inquisitive child who loved taking things apart to see how they worked. 

His passion for electronics led him to pursue a career in electrical engineering.

After graduating from college with his degree in electrical engineering, Brandon began working for a local company in Boulder. 

He quickly established himself as one of the brightest minds in his field, earning his colleagues’ and clients’ respect and admiration.

In his spare time, Brandon enjoyed spending time with his family and pursuing his hobbies, which included skateboarding, playing soccer, and reading books.

Brandon’s illness and struggle

In early 2020, Brandon came down with what he thought was a mild case of COVID-19. 

He experienced some flu-like symptoms, but they subsided after a few weeks, and he went back to work.

However, Brandon soon began experiencing a host of other symptoms that persisted for months. 

He suffered from fatigue, headaches, brain fog, and memory loss. He was eventually diagnosed with Long-COVID, a condition that can persist for months after the initial infection with COVID-19.

Despite his illness, Brandon remained determined to fight back. He worked tirelessly with his doctors and therapists to restore his health.

He tried various treatments, including specialized diets, supplements, and exercise programs.

Towards the end of his life, Brandon’s condition improved significantly. 

He was able to spend precious time with his family, something that he cherished deeply.

Brandon’s legacy

The Brandon Gilles obituary is a reminder that Long-COVID is not just a passing flu-like illness. It can have lasting repercussions that can be debilitating for years on end. 

Brandon Gilles was a remarkable person who positively impacted the world around him. His struggle with Long-COVID was a brave and inspiring one that will not be forgotten. 

By remembering his life and legacy, we can honor his memory and continue to raise awareness about the challenges that face those battling Long-COVID.
