5 shocking details about Genevieve Tetpons murder

August 2024 · 4 minute read

In Walk 2000, an Alaskan local and Harbor mother-of-four, Genevieve Tetpon, disappeared exclusively to be seen as cut to death. Her body was unloaded in a trench inside a camping bed, persuading examiners to think that a chronic executioner might have been involved given the comparative events that were going on in the city around that time.

Years after the fact, in 2011, DNA proof and a sack of sends recovered from the crime location were utilized to find the executioner, Derrick Torian, who supposedly serious the homicide when he was just 17. He confessed, got a jail sentence, and has been set free from jail from that point onward.

Genevieve Tetpon’s virus case is scheduled to highlight on ID’s A Chance to Kill on Thursday, Walk 9, 2023, in an all-new episode named Dock Cold Case.

Genevieve Tetpon was 28 years of age and a single parent of four at the hour of her vanishing in Walk 2000. Reports express that she used to work at a nearby bread shop and neglected to get back after work one night.

A couple of days after the fact, on Walk 22, a driver found her body inside a hiking bed unloaded in a trench on Cold Valley Street in Safe haven.

As indicated by reports, an examination uncovered that 28-year-old Genevieve Tetpon was wounded multiple times. Four profound blade wounds were tracked down in her chest.

Besides, there were numerous protective injuries all around her body, which proposed a battle between the person in question and her aggressor. Specialists accepted that the individual was “ready to overpower her.”

3) DNA proof alongside a garbage sack comprising sends were gathered from where Genevieve Tetpon’s body was found

Criminal investigators found DNA proof from under Tetpon’s fingernails while assessing her body. Afterward, they were additionally ready to remove DNA from the hiking bed in which the body was unloaded. At that point, in any case, the DNA proof yielded no leads.

Reports expressed that specialists likewise found a garbage sack loaded up with unloaded mail close to the casualty’s body. The sends allegedly had a place with Amy Torian, a Safe haven School Region representative. Her significant other was a minister and resigned Flying corps official. The couple had two children, 17-year-old Derrick Torian, a secondary school senior, and the senior child, who was in school at that point.

The Torians were precluded as suspects when specialists neglected to lay out an association among them and the person in question. Following a couple of other inconsequential leads, the case went cold.

Amy Torian had at first let criminal investigators know that the sends wound up at a similar area as Genevieve Tetpon’s body, possible on the grounds that a couple of months before the occurrence, their vehicle was burglarized. She guaranteed that somebody could have taken the sends and thrown them in the trash container out and about.

Nonetheless, in 2009, Genevieve Tetpon’s virus case was re-opened after Analyst David Cordie found mail and charge card bills from Walk 2000 in that equivalent heap. The Torians were then approached to present their DNA tests for additional assessment. In any case, Derrick Torian denied, which raised doubts. His DNA was in the end observed to be a match to the example tracked down under Tetpon’s nails.

After his capture in 2011, Derrick Torian let specialists know that in Walk 2000, he worked at a pizza café where he and his companion Louis de Jesus hawked cocaine. He asserted that Genevieve Tetpon strolled into the pizza place after their end hours and spotted them with drugs. Torian further added that De Jesus was the person who wounded her and that he just helped with discarding the body.

In 2013, Torian conceded to homicide, getting a 15-year jail sentence, yet was delivered subsequent to serving just three years.
