WWE NXT New Years Evil Results (1/2/24)

September 2024 · 6 minute read

NXT Women’s Championship Match: Lyra Valkyria (c) vs. Blair Davenport

Valkyria and Davenport trade strikes and hip tosses. Blair trips Valkyria and lands a double stomp off the top to the back of Valkyria’s head. Valkyria kicks out. Valkyria fires up and lands a crossbody. Step up enziguri by Valkyria. Valkyria goes up top and misses a crossbody. Davenport sets up a suplex. Valkyria reverses it into a suplex of her own. Davenport kicks out. Both women are down. Valkyria sets up a Northern Lights suplex. Davenport blocks it and tries a kick. Valkyria blocks that and hits a leg-capture German suplex! Davenport kicks out again. Valkyria drags Davenport to the corner and goes up top again. Davenport cuts her off with a few strikes.

Valkyria and Davenport trade strikes up top. Daveport hits a Falcon Arrow off the top. Valkyria rolls out of the ring before Davenport can pin her. Davenport follows and sends Valkyria into the barricade. Davenport tries a kamigoye against the commentary desk, but Valkyria moves out of the way. Davenport’s knee slams into the desk, leaving a huge indent. Davenport clutches at her knee. The fight spills back into the ring. Davenport tries another stomp. Valkyria moves. Davenport’s knee gives out when she lands on the mat. Spin kick by Valkyria. Valkyria hits the Cradle Shock for the win.

Winner and STILL NXT Women’s Champion, Lyra Valkyria!

After the match, Lola Vice runs down to ringside with a referee to cash in her contract for a title shot. Tatum Paxley dives out of the crowd and attacks Vice, stopping the cash in. Elektra Lopez runs down to the ring to help Vice.

Check Out Our Previous Coverage: WWE NXT Results (12/19/23)

Breaking News: Ilja Dragunov is not cleared to compete tonight. His title defense against Trick Williams has been postponed.

Dragon Lee was unable to make the show due to travel issues. The LWO will have a surprise tag partner for their match tonight.

No Quarter Catch Crew vs. The LWO and… Carlito!

Gulak gets sent flying by a rana from Del Toro. Springboard crossbody by Del Toro. Wilde tags in, and Del Toro slingshots him off the ropes into a slash on Gulak. Wilde rope walk arm drags Gulak while dropkicking Kemp. The LWO clears the ring. Carlito and Del Toro Slingshot Wilde off the second rope far up the ramp onto Gulak and Co.

Borne distracts the referee, allowing Gulak to take control. NQCC takes turns working over Wilde. Carlito gets the hot tag and clears the ring. Everyone lands a big move. All six men are down. Kemp tries to pin Carlito. Carlito kicks out. Wilde lands a corkscrew senton outside the ring. Kemp gets kicked into a Backstabber by Carlito. Del Toro crushes Kemp with a Phoenix Splash for the win.

Winners- The LWO

After the match, Carlito spits an apple in Gulak’s face.

WWE NXT New Year’s Evil Results Continue on the Next Page!

Arianne Grace vs. Roxanne Perez

Grace takes Perez down and offers her a handshake. Perez goes to take it, but Grace mushes her in the face. Perez tackles Grace and works her over. Rolling prawn hold by Perez. Grace kicks out. Grace slingshots Perez into the bottom rope. The referee checks on Perez as Grace works her over. Perez fires up and hits Pop Rocks for the win.

Winner- Roxanne Perez

After the match, Grace screams at Perez. Perez goes nuts and attacks Grace. Perez traps Grace in the crossface. A bunch of referees hit the ring to pull Perez off of Grace. Perez smiles as Grace writhes in pain. The referee reverses his decision and awards Grace the match.

Winner- Arianne Grace

Fallon Henley vs. Tiffany Stratton (Loser Has to be The Winner’s Servant for a Day)

As soon as Henley gets in the ring, she tells the referee to ring the bell. As soon as he does, she lunges at Stratton. Both women trade strikes. The fight spills out of the ring. Stratton misses a double stomp. Stratton counters Henley’s diving uppercut by sending her into the ring post. Alabama Slam into the ring apron by Stratton. After the break, Stratton misses the Prettiest Moonsault Ever. Stratton rolls out of the ring and grabs a chair. The referee and Stratton struggle over the chair. Henley hits a shining Wizard out of nowhere for the win.

Winner- Fallon Henley

Backstage, Thea Hail wishes Riley Osborne good luck tonight. Osborne gives Hail a high five. Hail tells Jayne she’s never washing her hand again.

Men’s Breakout Tournament Finals: Oba Femi vs. Riley Osborne

As soon as the match starts, Femi picks Osborne up and sits him on the top rope. Femi gives Osborne a clean break. Osborne grabs a front face lock and escapes Femi’s slam counter. Osborne chop blocks Femi. Femi grabs Osborne by the throat and tosses him over the top rope. Femi lands a few strikes before sending Osborne back into the ring. Osborne sends Femi over the top.

Thea Hail and Jacy Jayne enter through the crowd. Osborne tries a running attack on the apron, but Femi lands a chop that sounds like a shotgun going off. After the break, Femi is working a bearhug. Osborne tries to fight out of the hold and gets slammed in the process. Femi sends Osborne into the corner. Femi misses a spear. Osborne sends Femi flying with a rana. Corkscrew splash by Osborne. Femi kicks out. Osborne tries a shooting star press, but Femi gets his knees up. Femi hits a pop-up powerbomb for the win.

Winner- Oba Femi

Number One Contender’s Match: Grayson Waller vs. Trick Williams

Waller drops Williams with a right hand. Waller lands a suplex for a near fall. Dropkick by Williams. Williams follows that with a series of slams. Waller escapes a third attempt. Suplex by Williams. Waller ducks out of the ring to avoid a kick from Williams. Both men fight outside the ring. Waller tries to throw Williams into the announcer’s desk, but Williams reverses it.

Williams runs right into a clothesline from Waller. After the break, Williams set up his running knee. Carmelo Hayes runs down to ringside and hops on the apron. Hayes is trying to tell Williams something. Waller sets up the Rolling Thunder Stunner while Williams is distracted. Kevin Owens appears out of nowhere and decks Waller with his cast-wrapped hand. Owens tosses Waller back into the ring. Williams lands his running knee for the win.

Winner and STILL Number One Contender, Trick Williams!

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